Oven Baked BBQ Ribs
June 2, 2021 • 0 comments

- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- Servings: 4
- (1/4 cup) Ancho Chile Powder
- (1/3 cup) Brown Sugar
- (1/3 cup) White Sugar
- (1/4 cup) Salt
- (2 tablespoons) Ground black pepper
- (1 rounded tablespoon) Ground cumin
- (1 heaping teaspoon) Dry mustard
- (1 teaspoon) Cayenne pepper
- (1 Rack) Baby Back Ribs
- (1 cup) BBQ Sauce
Preheat oven to 250 degrees F
Mix ancho chile powder, sugars, salt, black pepper, cumin, dry mustard, cayenne pepper and chipotle pepper in small bowl until combined
Place Baby Back Ribs meat-side down on aluminum foil. Prick rib rack several times with a knife
Coat ribs liberally with dry rub
With rib rack meat-side down, fold foil around to create a seal. Transfer to sheet pan
Bake in oven about 2 hours, or until tender and cooked through
Remove and cool 15 minutes
Increase oven temp to 350 degrees
Open foil, drain any juices and fat. Brush your favorite BBQ sauce on all sides of rack
Place rack meat-side up and return to oven, leaving foil open. Bake for 10 minutes, remove from oven, and brush another layer of BBQ sauce on meat-side only. Repeat baking and brushing with sauce 4 more times, for a total of 50 minutes baking time.
Cut and portion rib rack, serve with BBQ sauce